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 What team will win the NL this year?

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Billy Buckner
6 posters

What team will win the NL this year?
What team will win the NL this year? Vote_lcap29%What team will win the NL this year? Vote_rcap
 29% [ 4 ]
What team will win the NL this year? Vote_lcap29%What team will win the NL this year? Vote_rcap
 29% [ 4 ]
What team will win the NL this year? Vote_lcap14%What team will win the NL this year? Vote_rcap
 14% [ 2 ]
Diamond Backs
What team will win the NL this year? Vote_lcap7%What team will win the NL this year? Vote_rcap
 7% [ 1 ]
What team will win the NL this year? Vote_lcap7%What team will win the NL this year? Vote_rcap
 7% [ 1 ]
What team will win the NL this year? Vote_lcap7%What team will win the NL this year? Vote_rcap
 7% [ 1 ]
What team will win the NL this year? Vote_lcap0%What team will win the NL this year? Vote_rcap
 0% [ 0 ]
What team will win the NL this year? Vote_lcap7%What team will win the NL this year? Vote_rcap
 7% [ 1 ]
Total Votes : 14
Poll closed


Number of posts : 40
Age : 47
Location : Lansing, MI
NCAA : What team will win the NL this year? Spartans_icon
NBA : What team will win the NL this year? Det
NFL : What team will win the NL this year? Det-1
MLB : What team will win the NL this year? Det-2
NHL : What team will win the NL this year? Det38
Registration date : 2008-06-10

What team will win the NL this year? Empty
PostSubject: What team will win the NL this year?   What team will win the NL this year? Icon_minitimeThu Jun 19, 2008 9:34 pm

What team will win the NL this year?
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Number of posts : 40
Age : 47
Location : Lansing, MI
NCAA : What team will win the NL this year? Spartans_icon
NBA : What team will win the NL this year? Det
NFL : What team will win the NL this year? Det-1
MLB : What team will win the NL this year? Det-2
NHL : What team will win the NL this year? Det38
Registration date : 2008-06-10

What team will win the NL this year? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What team will win the NL this year?   What team will win the NL this year? Icon_minitimeThu Jun 19, 2008 9:40 pm

I should have posted this in the MLB forum.

Ill post the AL poll in there
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Billy Buckner

Number of posts : 4
Age : 42
NCAA : What team will win the NL this year? 2070-1
NBA : What team will win the NL this year? Bos
NFL : What team will win the NL this year? Eng
MLB : What team will win the NL this year? Bos-1
NHL : What team will win the NL this year? Pit38
Registration date : 2008-06-19

What team will win the NL this year? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What team will win the NL this year?   What team will win the NL this year? Icon_minitimeThu Jun 19, 2008 9:53 pm

Phillies without a doubt
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Thomas 22
Thomas 22

Number of posts : 12
Age : 44
Location : Denton TX
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MLB : What team will win the NL this year? Nyy
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Registration date : 2008-06-19

What team will win the NL this year? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What team will win the NL this year?   What team will win the NL this year? Icon_minitimeFri Jun 20, 2008 6:13 am

Don't see the Philles losing when Utley. Rollins and Howard is the heart of your line-up.
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Number of posts : 9
Age : 52
Location : Hamilton, OH
NCAA : What team will win the NL this year? Ncaa_ohiostate
NBA : What team will win the NL this year? Cle
NFL : What team will win the NL this year? Cin
MLB : What team will win the NL this year? Cin-1
NHL : What team will win the NL this year? Cmb38
Registration date : 2008-06-18

What team will win the NL this year? Empty
PostSubject: Cinncinati   What team will win the NL this year? Icon_minitimeFri Jun 20, 2008 7:34 am

The Reds are still in it and will look to make a run in the second half of the season with Valquez as their ace this year.
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Jay in da Brook
Jay in da Brook

Number of posts : 14
Age : 48
NBA : What team will win the NL this year? Nyn
NFL : What team will win the NL this year? Nyg
MLB : What team will win the NL this year? Nyy
NHL : What team will win the NL this year? Nyr38
Registration date : 2008-06-18

What team will win the NL this year? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What team will win the NL this year?   What team will win the NL this year? Icon_minitimeFri Jun 20, 2008 12:12 pm

I put up $300 on the Cubs winnin it all.
Lets hope that Zambrano is OK or Im back to placing small time bets from now on.
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Number of posts : 40
Age : 47
Location : Lansing, MI
NCAA : What team will win the NL this year? Spartans_icon
NBA : What team will win the NL this year? Det
NFL : What team will win the NL this year? Det-1
MLB : What team will win the NL this year? Det-2
NHL : What team will win the NL this year? Det38
Registration date : 2008-06-10

What team will win the NL this year? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What team will win the NL this year?   What team will win the NL this year? Icon_minitimeFri Jun 20, 2008 12:15 pm

Jay in da Brook wrote:
I put up $300 on the Cubs winnin it all.
Lets hope that Zambrano is OK or Im back to placing small time bets from now on.

Best of luck with that

Of course I may have went with a smaller bet with the odds they are giving the Cubs
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Roc T

Number of posts : 2
Age : 42
Registration date : 2008-06-20

What team will win the NL this year? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What team will win the NL this year?   What team will win the NL this year? Icon_minitimeFri Jun 20, 2008 5:23 pm

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What team will win the NL this year? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What team will win the NL this year?   What team will win the NL this year? Icon_minitime

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What team will win the NL this year?
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