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 NYC trial witness claims Mike Tyson put up `hit plot’ money

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Location : Muskegon, MI
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Registration date : 2008-06-10

NYC trial witness claims Mike Tyson put up `hit plot’ money Empty
PostSubject: NYC trial witness claims Mike Tyson put up `hit plot’ money   NYC trial witness claims Mike Tyson put up `hit plot’ money Icon_minitimeFri Jun 13, 2008 10:37 pm

NEW YORK (AP)—Mike Tyson put up $50,000 for a proposed “hit” on gang members suspected of killing his bodyguard in 2000, a government witness testified.

The allegation was made Thursday by Dwayne Meyers, a former member of the Cash Money Brothers gang. Meyers testified at the trial of Abubakr Raheem, who’s accused of driving a getaway car after turf-war killings.

Meyers claimed the former heavyweight champion put up the money to retaliate for the June 2000 slaying of his close friend and former bodyguard, Darryl “Homicide” Baum. The alleged contract was never carried out.

Tyson’s attorney was traveling Friday and could not immediately be reached for comment.
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NYC trial witness claims Mike Tyson put up `hit plot’ money
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