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 Can you post the settings

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2 posters
Thomas 22
Thomas 22

Number of posts : 12
Age : 44
Location : Denton TX
NBA : Can you post the settings Dal
NFL : Can you post the settings Dal-1
MLB : Can you post the settings Nyy
NHL : Can you post the settings Dal38
Registration date : 2008-06-19

Can you post the settings Empty
PostSubject: Can you post the settings   Can you post the settings Icon_minitimeThu Jun 19, 2008 7:04 pm

for your league? scratch
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Eric Loves Cheese
Eric Loves Cheese

Number of posts : 17
Age : 46
NCAA : Can you post the settings Ncaa_illinois
NBA : Can you post the settings Chi
NFL : Can you post the settings Chi-1
MLB : Can you post the settings Chc
NHL : Can you post the settings Chi38
Registration date : 2008-06-18

Can you post the settings Empty
PostSubject: Re: Can you post the settings   Can you post the settings Icon_minitimeThu Jun 19, 2008 9:17 pm

How many seasons are the annual league gonna go for, I'm hooked and would be cool with another season after this.
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Can you post the settings
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